About Me

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Music Is Good Medicine

Jake Shimabukuro is one of the important reasons that I fall in love with Ukulele.

It seems that all my friends know that he’s the reason because I always share his performances immediately after watching them.☺

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Beginning of My Ukulele

TO begin this blog, I want to write a post telling how I started falling in love with Ukulele.

Two months ago, on a cold night in January, my friend shared a YouTube video with me. (I’ll share the link below this paragraph, too.) In the video, a 5-year-old Japanese boy was playing Ukulele. I was shocked and smiled deeply at that time. The little guitar (I thought it was a guitar then.) and his voice just sounded quite happy. Because I didn’t get the meaning of the word, Ukulele, at the beginning of the video title, I started to search it.

If you search Ukulele on the website of Google in Taiwan, you’ll find David Chen’s blog at the third result. (Click me to David’s blog.) David is one of the beginners who promote teaching Ukulele in Taiwan. He wrote that he had found Ukulele a good instrument and tool in children music therapy. I was surprised about this characteristic because I had the interest about that kind of therapy, too.

David’s blog stimulated my interest in Ukulele. And there is a man pushing me more and more. He’s name is Jake Shimabukuro. I’ll spend an essay talking about Jake and his music in my own view next time. Keep concern!

Take care and don’t catch any cold!