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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Music Is Good Medicine

Jake Shimabukuro is one of the important reasons that I fall in love with Ukulele.

It seems that all my friends know that he’s the reason because I always share his performances immediately after watching them.☺

Jake Shimabukuro has been playing Ukulele since he is 4 years old. And it is not hard to find Jake’s name is always connected with Ukulele. Since of it, the first time I tried to search Ukulele, the answers came out with Jake’s performance video.

It is said that Jake first impressed the world by playing Ukulele and performing “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”. It was such a good performance that some thought the song could be change into “While My Ukulele Gently Weeps” as their appreciations.

Jake said that he’s one of the big fans of The Beatles, so he performed many of the band’s songs. Since I was born too late to catch on the time of The Beatles, I don’t know too much about their songs. It makes me have another way to listen and feel Jake’s performance on these songs.

The film above was his talk and performance in TED Tokyo. When it comes out at 18:18, he played a song called “In My Life”. And that was THE MOST IMPORTANT PART to me! Remember what I write above? I’ve never heard of this song since I don’t know too much about The Beatles. But from this video, Jake still brings me a gentle and soft feeling. I just couldn’t stop listening to this part of video at the first time.

Jake is not only a good Ukulele player but also a TOUCHING player to me. He let me know that not only happy songs, Ukulele can be also performed in a soft way. Now, every time when I have a bad mood, I always listen to his music, and I’ll soon be calm and peaceful.

As the title of this post, Jake really teaches me that music is good medicine!

Want to know more about Jake Shimabukuro?
Click me to enter his official website.
Or leave your message below.☺

Ha! Ha! It seems that I can’t stop talking about Jake Shimabukuro. Keep on visiting my blog, and I’ll share things about Ukulele in Taiwan. Take care!

The video below is one of my favorite, too. Hope you enjoy it!


  1. This is my first time listen to a show that all performed with Ukulele, it's amazing!!! (And that guy is cute, too. :") )
    My little cousin bought an Ukulele recently, and she said that she's going to take Ukulele class. Maybe I should press her to work hard on it, and ask her to teach me someday. Ha!

  2. Is that the music instrument played by Lilo in "Lilo and Sticth"?
    I think Ukulele looks funny when played by a grown-up. I used to play cello and people would say it looked weird as the cello was almost bigger than me. But I find it weird as Ukulele is so tiny when played by a grown-up.
    Hope that you can post your own playing video here^^

  3. This music instrument is so cute! It is so small that I couldn’t imaging it can be performed so well!
    Honestly speaking, it's my first heard such a kind of music instrument.It sounds soft and makes me feel comfortable.
    The guy is really well-performed and he enjoyed it very much. He is so cute!
    Thanks for your sharing, it’s really gooood!
