About Me

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Practice & Partners

There’s no doubt that practice is the only first step to get familiar with something new. And the second tip to make one’s interest stronger is partners.

I think I’m a very lucky one after getting the idea of learning Ukulele.

Since I want to learn this charming instrument by myself, not by taking class, I search on the Internet to find if there are resources. “ptt.cc” is an useful and famous system among college students in Taiwan. This system includes many kinds of topics of information and users can discuss and share opinions on it. Luckily, I find that “Ukulele” is also one of the topics. Because the Ukulele is not as popular as the guitar in Taiwan, I didn’t expect to find too many discussions and much information about it.

The Ukulele topic was established in August, 2010. This tells us that Ukulele is getting well-known in these days. And I’m one of them. People in the topic are so kind that they even share me where and how to get my first Ukulele without regret!

Now, I’m looking forward to my first practice party in two weeks. Since we all live in different places, some enthusiastic players hold parties in Taipei and Kaohsiung. In the party, we will try to perform several songs together. And we can improve our skills in the process. I’ll share the experiences in this blog after attending the party.

Last but not least, I’m thankful for people who leave messages to me. And I’m trying to respond all in these days. I really want to have more time to make this blog better. Wish I can share and introduce everything about Ukulele in Taiwan!

Take care!


  1. My friend is also learning this instrument recently, so i found it does become more and more popular in Taiwan. My friend said she found some enthusiasts on her way back to Taipei.(Because she's carrying an Ukulele.) It seems like the players of this instrument are mainly women, is it? You also mentioned about Ptt ; I think ptt is really a good resource for people to find others that have the same hobit with them. Since there are so many users, it is really easy to find a board that discuss the thing you interested in.

  2. It's very cool to play the ukulele!
    'Cause I think that in Taiwan there're not so many people know how to play this "cute" musical intrument.
    Wish you can keep on practicing, and I can't wait to see you play it!

    Cibyl : )

  3. Re: Ed <3267003801860393758>
    Wow! I’m wondering who your friend is! Is the girl also major in Economics? I’ve found that more and more people have interests in Ukulele, too. For example, from Facebook, I’ve heard of a boy who has a same friend with me also bought one Ukulele recently. But I’m not sure if more girls than boys play Ukulele. After attending the party, I’ll tell you. :D
    Yes, Ptt is really helpful! I think you might find people who love baseball on Ptt, right? :)

  4. I like the sound of ukulele because I think it is comfortable and relaxing. =) It must be very difficult to learn a new instrument by yourself, but I believe you can face any difficulty by your passion! That’s very coooool to have a party to play ukulele with people in Taiwan. Good luck and have fun=D
